The proposed visit to Luccombe, mentioned in Alban Notes, will now go ahead on the weekend of Friday 28th to Sunday 30th July.
Somerset is a popular part of the country and as we are trying to minimise costs, travel and accommodation arrangements will be the member’s own responsibility. We plan to camp in the “choir camp field” behind Luccombe Mill but there are plenty of local hotels and B&B accommodation in the vicinity but members wishing to participate are advised to make their reservations as soon as possible.
Former members of the Abbey Girls Choir who have not, hitherto, been associated with the village of Luccombe are invited to participate in the trip and will be very welcome as a “top line” at the service of Choral Evensong on the Sunday afternoon. Former Cathedral Musicians, Precentors and Honorary Members are also welcome. Tony de Rivaz will, once again, be Camp Master.
Family groups are also encouraged to participate either as campers in the field or in caravans/mobile homes at the nearby campsite in Horner. Having regard to Health and Safety and Child Protection legislation ECA Members who are under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent, or nominated adult guardian, and those members with children will be responsible for their welfare, safety and behaviour at all times. This is on the advice of The Dean and the Master of the Music as inevitably we will be associated with St Albans Cathedral.
The proposed programme for the weekend is likely to be as follows, however a final programme and list of participants will be issued nearer the time so members may wish to arrange to share transport:
Friday 28th July
Fish & Chip Supper at the Camp Site or if wet “Libations” at The Dunkery or The Ship at Porlock Weir!
Saturday 29th July
Walk to Dunkery Beacon or Selworthy from Luccombe (Chairman’s Lunch)
Walk to Horner Tea rooms
6.30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal (assuming there is a quorum of 6 ATB) – St Mary’s Church
Evening “get together” (BBQ or Camp Fire (TBC – depending on weather)
Sunday 30th July
3.00 p.m. Choral Evensong & Afternoon Tea
Costs: As members will make their own travel and accommodation there is no overall charge for the trip however there will be an opportunity for members and their guests to make a donation towards food and drinks.
If you wish to participate in the trip to Luccombe please reply by copying and completing the form below and emailing it to me. Please respond by no later than **Friday 12th May**.
With best wishes,
Malcolm Bury
REPLY FORM – please copy & paste into an email, edit for your responses, and send to by Friday 12th May.
Member’s Name: [ ]
I/We wish to participate in the summer trip to Luccombe [YES / NO]
I/We should like to camp in Luccombe, if possible. [YES/NO]
I/We should like to sing at the Choral Services in St Mary’s Church. [YES/NO]
My voice is: [Soprano / Alto / Tenor / Bass]
Names of Spouse/Partner/Guests/Children: _